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Phone Specs
Phone Specs
Motorola Moto G6
Find specs, key features, and information about carrier availability for the Motorola Moto G6, released in April 2018.
Motorola Moto E⁵ Plus/Supra
Find specs, key features, and information about carrier availability for the Motorola Moto E⁵ Plus/Supra, released in May 2018.
Motorola Moto G7 Power/Supra
Find specs, key features, and information about carrier availability for the Motorola Moto G7 Power/Supra, released in March 2019.
Motorola Moto G7 Play
Find specs, key features, and information about carrier availability for the Motorola Moto G7 Play, released in March 2019.
Motorola Moto E⁵ Go
Find specs, key features, and information about carrier availability for the Motorola Moto E⁵ Go, released in August 2018.
Jitterbug Smart2
Find specs, key features, and information about carrier availability for the Jitterbug Smart2 available from GreatCall, released in September 2018.
iPhone SE (2020)
Find specs, key features, and information about carrier availability for the new and improved iPhone SE (2020) released in April 2020.
Razer Phone 2
Find specs, key features, and information about carrier availability for the Razer Phone 2 released in October 2018.
Coolpad SNAP
Find specs, key features, and information about carrier availability for the Coolpad SNAP released in March 2019.
Alcatel AVALON V
Find specs, key features, and information about carrier availability for the Alcatel AVALON V released in April 2019.

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